SEO Reseller in Singapore

The Strategy Adopted by SEO reseller Singapore for Ranking on Google

Search engine optimization referred to as SEO is a complex and time taken process to rank the website, blog, or any application at the top of the first page of a search engine. SEO reseller in Singapore makes it easy for you to rank your website at the top of searches in no time only with minimal cost.

There are more than 200 ranking factors that Google considers for the ranking of your website at the top of searches. These ranking factors are very helpful to capture a place at the top of the results. Digital resellers in Singapore focus on these factors to make sure to avail the opportunity of ranking on the first page.

In simple language, Search engine optimisation is the process to increase the organic traffic to your website and catch the first position in the google search results. In addition to this, there are two types of SEO, one is paid and the other is organic. Paid SEO is a short-term strategy, organic SEO is a long-term strategy to engage the user towards your website, blog, channel, or application.

Types of SEO

SEO is further classified into three factors. Which are further discussed as under to accommodate your understanding. These factors help you to understand which type of strategy is best and suitable for choosing for your online project.

SEO Reseller in Singapore

White hat SEO

White hat SEO is the best legal SEO process in the internet industry for any project. This strategy is a little bit time-consuming but in the end, its results are incredible and marvelous. Google prefers and promotes the white hat strategy for SEO.

Gray hat SEO

Gray hat SEO is the combination of white and black hat SEO. Google warns the digital marketer about the gray hat SEO. Furthermore, it penalizes the websites in response to the gray hat SEO.

Black hat SEO

The black hat SEO is the 180-degree opposite of the white hat SEO. Google does not like the black hat SEO and banned the website with immediate effect without giving any warning emails.

Ecommerce, affiliate, or blogging websites welcome organic traffic because it is cheaper than paid SEO. SEO reseller in Singapore adopts the white hat SEO strategy and brings organic traffic from the search engine towards your website. Organic SEO maximizes the chances of visibility on the first page of Google.