wholesale SEO

How To Optimize Your Wholesale SEO Strategy

If you are looking for ways to improve your wholesale SEO strategy, you are in the right place. In this article, we will share with you some tips and tricks on how to optimize your website for the wholesale market.

First and foremost, it is important to understand that SEO for wholesale is different from SEO for retail. The main difference is that wholesale SEO is focused on attracting bulk buyers or resellers, while retail SEO is focused on attracting individual consumers.

With that said, here are some tips on how to optimize your wholesale SEO strategy:

1. Use Relevant Keywords:

When optimizing your website for the wholesale market, it is important that you use keywords that are relevant to this industry. Although some keywords may seem irrelevant at first glance, they can still serve a purpose if they are used correctly. For example, if you run an online store selling leather wallets and belts online, then “leather wallets” may be an irrelevant keyword because not many people are searching for it online.

2. Optimize Your Website for Mobile:

Wholesale shoppers tend to use their mobile phones more than desktop computers when searching for products online. This means that if your website isn’t optimized for mobile devices, you could be losing out on customers who need answers quickly! If possible, we recommend having a separate mobile site where all of your product pages can be accessed easily by smartphone users.

3. Focus on User Intent:

Wholesale customers are always looking for a good deal and will therefore search for terms like “wholesale” or “discount” in their search queries. As such, when optimizing your website for wholesalers, it’s vital that you focus on user intent by optimizing your title tags and meta descriptions with keywords related to discounts and deals. You can also include these keywords in the body copy of your pages if there is enough space available.

4. Optimize Your Site Structure:

When it comes to a wholesale SEO expert, it is important that you optimize your site structure so that potential buyers can easily navigate through the pages on your website without having any issues whatsoever. You can use tools such as Screaming Frog and Majestic in order to conduct a thorough analysis of your site structure and make sure everything is working properly before moving forward with this step in the process.


Wholesale SEO is ultimately about attracting the right audience for your brand. Many wholesale search engines are also retail search engines. As such, there is an overlapping audience. However, if you can develop a well-organized wholesale SEO strategy you will find that it is easier to draw the attention of customers which will, in turn, help you gain traffic and exposure for your business.